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The importance of folate for fertility
Folate, also known as folic acid, is a crucial vitamin for both fertility and pregnancy. Research suggests taking folic acid can enhance fertility.

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The importance of open fallopian tubes
The importance of open fallopian tubes What are they? Fallopian tubes are the reproductive organs which connect the ovaries to the uterus. They are long, hollow, thin tubes consisting of a mucous membrane and muscular layers.The lining of the tubes secrete fluids which maintain an environment in which an egg can be fertilised. They are lined with small hair-like structures (cilia) which move and help the egg or embryo travel through the tube to the uterus [ez-toc] What do they do? Each month in the middle of a menstrual cycle they transport an egg from the ovary to the uterus. ...

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Testing for fallopian tubes
Testing for fallopian tubes There is testing available if you suspect your Fallopian tubes may not be open. If your fallopian tubes are blocked it’s not possible to achieve a natural pregnancy. Fallopian tubes are the organs in which the sperm travel up to fertilise the egg and through which the fertilised embryo travels to reach and implant into the uterus.If they are scarred or blocked this isn’t possible. There is more information about Fallopian tubes here. The good news is that fertility treatment is designed to circumvent fallopian tubes so if this is the reason you aren’t falling pregnant ...

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Acupressure for birth preparation and labour
Acupressure for birth preparation can be used from 36 weeks gestation. Acupressure points are easy to use and many women find them useful both for birth preparation and during labour. From a Chinese medicine perspective we think these points are asking the body to work more effectively for you. Many of the acupressure points used in birth preparation and labour are not routinely used during pregnancy until 36 weeks gestation. If you are wanting to use acupressure during labour it is useful for to practice the point location and technique beforehand with your support people. You can also ask your ...

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Fertility Foods – Seeds
SEEDS Optimising your fertility through diet is achieved by eating a variety of nutritious foods most of the time. A diverse diet of whole foods is the key to this this. Whilst I don’t think you need to be stocking your pantry with every super food you’ve heard of there are some really easy ways to increase your range of highly nutritious foods. Seeds are often over looked but are extremely good for hormone health and are a versatile, cheap and easy food to add to your diet. Benefits of seeds for fertility The benefits of adding seeds to ...

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Ways to decrease chemical exposure
Simple ways to decrease chemical exposure There are many chemicals in our daily lives which are known as endocrine disruptors. This basically means they are disrupting your hormones which adversely affects male and female fertility. Luckily there are some really simple ways to reduce your exposure! 1. Containers Where possible use glass containers to store food. If using plastic let your food cool down before putting it into the containers and never heat it up in the plastic containers. Put it in a proper bowl and heat it in that. Buy a glass water bottle and coffee cup. As ...

Essential oils
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Natural cleaning products and pregnancy ideas | FPAC
Natural cleaning products and pregnancy ideas that will protect you from harmful affect Many of the chemicals found in our everyday cleaning products are linked to fertility issues. Luckily it is really easy to swap our products to more natural ones and reduce our exposure. Here are some tried and tested suggestions for chemical free cleaning. All you need to do is stock up on white vinegar, baking soda/bicarb soda (these are the same thing) and clove oil. I found it really easy once I’d bought myself 3 spray bottles and put my bicarb soda into an old pepper container ...

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How to avoid endocrine disrupting chemicals edcs
Should we be worried? There is an increasing body of information available on the dangers of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals EDCs. Inside our bodies is a network of glands or organs which are collectively called the endocrine system. Glands secrete messengers called hormones, you’ll be familiar with some of these, such as oestrogen and progesterone. Hormones deliver signals from one gland or organ to another. To deliver the message the hormone fits into a specific receptor, much like a lock and key, allowing the recipient organ to understand what it needs to do. EDCs can mimic the shape of hormones and ...

Fertility Foods
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The best one pan high protein breakfast recipe
High Protein Breakfast Recipe That Will Give You Energy This recipe is full of nutrients with 2 serves of vegetables in this meal and fits all in one pot! Ingredients 1/2 cup of mushrooms (your choice) sliced 1/4 cup of red onions sliced 1/2 cup of cherry tomatoes 1 cup of baby spinach leaves 1 egg 1 tsp of your choice of oil Recipe Put pan on stove and turn on medium-high Add oil Once heated crack egg into pan to the side (use an egg ring if you like) Add red onions and mushrooms to the other side ...

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Scrambled egg with salmon & vegetable breakfast
This week’s high protein breakfast looks delicious! High protein breakfasts help to regulate your blood sugars for the day which is very important for those trying to conceive. Ingredients 1/4 cup of leftover salmon 2 eggs Dash of milk (your choice) 1 cup of green vegetables (Megan used broccoli & beans) 1 tsp of shallots 1/4 cup water Salt & pepper to taste Recipe Cut up broccoli and beans into small pieces Put wok on stove on high temperature with water Once water is boiling add vegetables in wok and cover for approximately 3 minutes Mix eggs and milk together in ...